
Showing posts from June, 2018

My Weight Loss Journey Begins...

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a blessed week. This week I made a decision I was very hesitant about making. I always wanted to document my weight loss but I was always scared of showing my true self to the world. At this point in my life at 23, I feel the need to. I decided I would document my weight loss via youtube. I plan on talking about a wide range of topics, like stress- eating, depression-eating, dieting, exercising, and lifestyle tips in general. I cannot wait to share my story with you all. Comments and discussions are something I look forward to, so please feel free to comment! The pic below it the thumbnail for my most recent video on youtube. Click here to view! I hope to be supported by you all. I need it. It'll hold me accountable and, as a plus, I love writing and creating content. Let's all support each other on this journey, because it will take more will power than ever! Bringing each other up, rather than tearing each other down is my life
LUSH Cosmetics has been one of my favorite stores for years now. I go to the store in The Providence Place Mall since that's the only one nearby. Before I even heard of LUSH,  I walked by their store one day and was immediately intrigued and bewildered...and a little hungry afterwards. I mean...their handmade, colorful skincare products resemble pieces of food after all! Why I love LUSH: they have so much variety of products - face masks, scrubs, soaps, shampoo, lip scrub, and lip balm to name some all products are handmade with no preservatives their products are NOT tested by animals and they do not condone animal testing in general the associates in the store are very friendly and helpful you can test their products in the store with the help of an associate to see how it reacts with your skin However... LUSH can get pretty expensive. One bath bomb will cost you up to $10 (WOWZASS). That's honestly the only drawback I can think of. However, buying a couple